Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Location extensions with multiple physical locations

My non-profit client has multiple locations (over 100). The website domain name has an extension for each location. We want to run at least 50 separate but simultaneous campaigns, one campaign for each location using the domain name with extension relevant to each location. The radius of coverage for each campaign does not overlap any other. The keywords would be the same for each location's campaign. Can we run these campaigns under the Ad Grants program; $10,000 per month, dividing the amount into each separate campaign for an aggregate total of $10,000.per month. Then later apply for the Grantspro program after two months of spending at least the minimum amount of $9,900. plus meeting the other criteria required to apply for Grantspro with $40,000 per month, thus enlarging the budgets or number of participating locations to match the $40,000 spend. The separate campaigns allow us to deal directly with each of the client's location site manager as the home office requires.

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