Thursday, February 26, 2015

Charlotte SEO Services: Keyword Research Vital to New Search Dynamics

Keywords were among the first defining traits of search engines, even before the era of Yahoo! and AltaVista. Searching for related content was as easy as typing the right keyword. Today, this is still the case, but keywords now have the added dimension of being able to “talk” to Google like a human. In other words, a search like “real estate charlotte” is just as good as asking Google, “How do I find real estate in Charlotte?” As Google’s now scans for info through an “almost human” analytical process, the role of keywords have changed. No longer are the words the main basis for search engine results, but the meaning and semantics behind the words. These are developments that dynamic Charlotte SEO services are well aware of, and take into account.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Local SEO is Good When Business is Closer to Home

The process of optimizing your website so that it ranks high in search engine results is known as SEO. When the searches are related to your business’ area, city, or county, it’s referred to as local SEO.

Local establishments such as barber shops, law firms, or restaurants would benefit from local SEO in Charlotte, NC, since people use the Internet to search for businesses or professionals before they actually visit.